Sewer Water Treatment & Re-use

Treated wastewater from off-site treatment plants can be re-used for irrigation of parks and gardens, agriculture and horticulture, tree plantation and aquaculture. These can be established not far from the wastewater treatment plants.

For these purposes the wastewater should generally be treated to secondary wastewater standard (< 20 mg/L BOD and < 30 mg/L SS). Total coli forms should be < 1000 organisms per 100 mill for irrigation by spraying. When sub-surface irrigation is used this requirement may not be necessary.

Irrigation of vegetables for direct human consumption requires a much stricter guideline.

Because requirement of wastewater for plant growth is governed by climatic conditions, soil and plant type, there may be a need for storage of the wastewater.

If you have a rural development , town development or private development, let Aquanet Irrigation design and supply the full system :

  • Size of septic or storage tank
  • Sizing of pipes
  • Sewer pumps
  • Suitable Irrigation System
Interesting Read
  • Aquanet Irrigation can provide engineering design services of the highest quality:
  • Full design and supply experience with a wide variety of irrigation , distribution of water for development housing, pumping and filtration systems including golf courses, bore holes , green houses , fertigation , centre pivots and sewer water re-use projects.
  • A mechanical design project history for a wide variety of pump stations , water furrow , flood water, concrete and plastic dams
  • A practice of designing systems that are cost effective to construct and to maintain
  • Innovative and practical solutions and experience with design, construction observation, operation, scheduling, maintenance, and programming of systems
  • Preparation of all construction documents on CAD, utilizing specialized design software